Sunday 25 May 2014

Gero the Onsen City - Konnichiwa !!

Hey Guys !!
Seems like a long time since my last post, hope you have been thinking of me ;) Missed this year's Audit Fashion Festival since I was in Japan. No complaints though! For those who attended AFF2014, am sure you enjoyed Prabal Gurung's high fashion layering and legendary designer Oscar De La Renta's fall collection... Just the thought of it, makes me drool.. haha
Oh, am proud of our local designer Ong Shunmugam's beautiful play with fabric !! Would love to own one of your creative pieces... <3

Enough of the fashion talk, back to business :p Scratching my head on how I should blog about my trip, I guess the best way is to split them into different locations ;) Of course including my OOTD in each post. Credits to my photographer cum bf for all your hardwork. Though I raised my voice at times, your patience is very much appreciated.. hehehe

This time our trip consists of Tokyo as well as Gifu Prefecture. A prefecture in the Chubu region of Japan. Located in the center of Japan, it has long played an important part as the crossroads of Japan, connecting the east to the west through such routes as the Nakasendo. During the Sengoku period, many people refer to Gifu by saying "Control Gifu and you control Japan". Will tell you more along the way !! (Just in case you do not know, am a big fan of history... the world before me always interest me...)

First stop, Gero - city in Gifu Prefecture famous for it's hot springs (onsen). The Hida River runs throughout the city. 4 hours train ride from Tokyo with Mount Fuji in the background.
No filter ok
My very first experience of staying in a Ryokan begins with Yunoshimakan. "To do the same as what I always see in Japan Hour" - Checked !!
Yunoshimakan is a long-standing ryokan in Gero Onsen. Established in 1931 and has had the honor of accommodating the previous Emperor Showa and the current Emperor Akihito. Of course, we are not staying in the same room. The building is designated as a National Tangible Cultural Asset.
Ain't it lovely....
Lobby Entrance
Our private lovely garden
Our little in-room onsen
If you are worried about using shared bathroom staying in Ryokan, choose the Bekkan room type.
Overview: An 8-tatami matted room, a small connected room, a spacious veranda, a natural hot spring bath and a toilet. Dinner served in the room, and breakfast served in the public dining room.

Onsen are what make Gero famous, definitely a place for you to get our of your hectic life and relax. Onsen water is believed to have healing powers derived from its mineral content and renown for beautifying skin. Yes girls, beautifying skin !! Other than what your Ryokan offers, there are 3 public bath houses available in town. There is also a large rotenburo (open-air bath) you can bath in for free however it has no facilities.

Gero is a small city and can be explored by walking. Stop by any open foot bath along the way to sit and relax. Just like them ;)
I love this picture !!
The water is really hot !
Walking around aimlessly in this quiet and soothing city with absolutely no time restriction along with the best weather, I am enjoying this moment of life...
Onsenji Temple worships the Buddha of healing, whose image is credited to restoring the flow of hot spring to the town after it was stopped by a large earthquake
I like even the simplest temple in Japan. The structure, wood material and trees never fail to provide a calming effect... <3

Hat and white top: Topshop, Skirt: Engell, Knitted coat: GG5, Shoes: ASOS (I LOVE THIS SHOT !!)

Food porn time ! Amazing dinner arranged by the Ryokan in our room. First, meet our beautiful and lovely waitress Maki ;) She is only going to be here for 3months before starting her contract with JAL as cabin crew.

To avoid posting 20 pictures for every single dish, here's an overview I did for you guys... Oh, this serving is only for round 1 !!

2nd round served with my weakness... Rice.

Then the dessert..

Lastly, let's do some plum wine tasting..

The thing is that, I finished all of the above mentioned.. Gosh !!! Guilty to the max !!
Instead of skin beautifying, I hope that the onsen water has the effect of burning calories.. Total of 8 onsen available for the guests. There are private ones available for booking too, in case you are not used to being so "open" like me... haha
The indoor one
Love this !!
 Foot bath is available too ;)

I just love the feeling of walking around the Ryokan, exploring this mysterious yet elegant building in my lovely pink Yukata ;)

For the ladies, you get to choose your Yukata ;) What you think of my choice...
Back to the room and found our futon ready !!

For those having back problems, I think this might be the solution.
Then again, waking up to this for breakfast..

1 night in Gero and I felt like I have put on 1kg.. Don't even dare to weigh myself since I am back from Japan. All I know is some of my skirts are feeling real tight.. OMG !!
Next up, Takayama - a city in the mountainous Hida region. Stay tuned guys !! Till then, wishing you a great week ahead <3

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