This is my first post of 2014 so I would like to share with you my reflection of 2013 and resolution for 2014. Blogging is really a good way to get your voice heard, especially for someone like me with not a lot of friends. Seriously I very much prefer animals to humans. ;p
2013 was kind of a tiring year for me, specially work related. I took up a new role in the same Bank due to the merger of 2 departments. A role more impressive and with more visibility, which also means more stress. I put in lots of effort on this new challenge wanting to show my capabilities and also get out of the old role which doesn't bring me any credits. I have to admit that I was feeling proud of my new role, each time I met up with friends whom I have not seen for a long time and even during new introductions. However all these eat into the time I spend with my love ones and also resulted in me being less tolerant to them - where I am already quite bad in this as a person. Hehe... The start of getting a hang on a new role actually makes me think about what I really want to do in life. If you already have the answer, good for you!! If not, hey there is nothing to be shameful about, you only decide on your husband after dating a few assholes right. Sometimes even the final decision might be wrong since we are always changing. Like they say, the only constant thing is change.
For those who know me, I complain a lot - about work, relationship, friends and life. However I am still grateful complaining about nitty gritty things in life, getting upset over the irrelevant things in life is actually a blessing in disguise. Having the time and energy to brood over small little things actually means that the big things are going well and smooth. I am always feeling blessed and grateful for having such a wonderful mom, amazingly cute dog and tolerant bf ;)
So if you are upset over your colleague not lunching with you or your child getting lower grades than his peers, trust me, you have no problems in life !!
My new year resolution for 2014 will be to live it with little or no expectations. No expectations = no disappointments. Every good things coming to me will be even better in the form of surprises. Well this is not easy especially for those with high expectations in life but try it, step by step and you are going to be a lot happier and more appreciative of what you've got !
“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.”
― Alexander Pope
― Alexander Pope
2014 will be a year of giving for me, at least I will try harder. ;) By giving, you'll appreciate more. I have recently signed up with Willing Hearts, volunteering in the collection and delivery of food to the needy in Singapore. Being a volunteer not only help those in needs, it rewards you both physically and mentally. Willing Hearts is a 100% volunteer-run, non-profit organization set up to help provide for the needy in Singapore, regardless of race or creed. Do your part !
I will be starting my part-time certificate in Fashion Design tomorrow!! YIPPIE !! Signed up for a 6months certificate course from drawings to basic apparels construction with NAFA !! OMG, you can't imagine my excitement, first time in my life I will be sitting in a classroom learning what I love! Meeting new friends having the same interest and I really hope to find some good friends here. No more economics, mathematics, accounting.... It's about fashion now, can't wait for it.
I was telling my mom, "hey I might be better than you after". Yeah right, after 6months comparing to her 30years of experience... haha. I hope one day the mother and daughter can create their own fashion line!! Then again, no expectations, this is my dream !
If your dream doesn't scare you, it's not big enough!
Here's to a better 2014 !! Lots of love and happiness..
Most important thing in life is to be happy. Giving is happiness. Having the ability to give is already a blessing. Hope I will have better posts coming up for Year2014. Leave me comments to tell me what you would like to hear and how I can improve. Don't be shy lah ;)
Stay happy always my readers and remember being able to complain about small little things show that you have actually no problems in life !
Hey and where are your travel destinations for 2014 ? Before I embark on any trip this year, my aim is to write about all my favorite places so far... So stay tuned... ;)