Monday 16 December 2013

A dreamer, attention seeker and control freak.. Read me!!

Welcome to Engellpeh's blog !!

I have been wanting to start a blog for the longest time. This is really not easy though, takes a hell lot of time. To those active bloggers out there, thumbs up!! Tougher for me though since this is not my full time job. So I have been in the banking industry for coming 9 years which means always involving in the much hated politics game as well. Got my new Macbook pro retina (read more on and all the more I should blog with it !!

This is my first post so lets start with the basics. Like any other girl I am in love with fashion and beauty. From designer brands to vintage items, you name it, I love it. Am I too old to start a blog now?? Well, of course not !! Met Japan bridal designer Yumi Katsura at Fide Fashion Week 2013 whom represents very well the phrase "Age doesn't matters" !! Anyway come on, I am only 29 this year. 28 to be exact, since I am a December baby... Oh and I have the cutest childhood nickname "Cartoon". This doesn't mean I am as cute as the cartoon characters, it just meant that I was as clumsy as them..
She inspires me!!
As for beauty, what is important for me, a good complexion says it all. I have dry skin so it's prone to freckles issue plus bad dark undereye circles. Have tried a lot of counter brands but nothing can be compared to visiting a dermatologist. Trust me !! To be fair I have yet to try brands like La Prairie, La Mer and SKII. It's like if you are willing to spend the amount of money on these brands, why not visit a dermatologist and treat the roots of your problems. Will blog more about why I prefer dermatologists to those OTC brands.

Taken at Blue Elephant - during my recent trip to Bangkok

Am a wanderluster even in my dreams!! Love to travel and me being a control freak, I always plan my travel itinerary and ensure that I complete all that I wanna see and tasted all that I wanna eat. If you prefer to laze around by the pool or in the bed, why not book a weekend trip to Bali instead.. Food to me is as long as it's worth the calories, don't even pause for a second thought. Make sure that it's really worth the calories though !! Do you agree with me that no place in the world is not worth your visit. Love being up close and personal to wildlife animals the most !! Walking with the lions was one of the best experience I had in Mauritius!! Am gonna blog about it too !!

Taken at one of my most fulfilling trip - India
Being on land is not enough, underwater world is just as beautiful as I imagine it to be. Scuba diving is one of my favorite too, though I admit there are times where I experienced panic attack underwater.This is no joke, I really felt like I was about to die..

Being an only child does makes me less sociable so I guess writing a blog will help opens up my life. I do have a lifetime friend / soulmate / furkid, the biggest love of my life.. Meet Denver the golden retriever ! He is 6 years young. People can tell you all the cons about owning a dog but I can write you a longer list on the pros you will have with them.

Meet my boy !
Right, not gonna bore you with my entire biography on the first post. In short, you are going to read about fashion, beauty, amazing restaurants, travels, animals, politics, the hottest topics people are raving on and surely my humble life... Hey basically everything under the sun !! I am excited !! Hope you are too in reading. Actions speak louder though. Follow me on Twitter Instagram Dayre Facebook and of course my blog !!

"You'll love me, You'll love me, You'll love me
And where I go U'll follow, U'll follow, U'll follow
You'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love
From now until forever, forever, forever"

Not bad right, written a lot on the first post. That's for me to say and for you to judge. Give comments, give criticisms (be nice lah) give encouragement for many more posts to come.. Oh !! Have I mention that I love watching UFC too, fan of B.J. Penn !! Ta da.. ciao ciao

Till the next one.. xoxo....

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